Onto the important stuff: Yesterday I ran 9 miles along the beautiful Shining Sea Bike Path on Cape Cod. This weekend's long run was redemption from last weekend, where I struggled to get through 8. I'm not saying 9 miles was a breeze, but I definitely felt more confident and comfortable. I also need to give a shout-out to Skratch Labs for fueling my run. I am slowly but surely learning to eat and fuel properly so that my miles go smoothly...or at least as smooth as they can. People told me that marathon training was life changing and I'm realizing what they mean. I can only imagine what the next several months will bring, but each week when I push my body farther I feel energized and grateful for my ability to run.
If you haven't already, please consider making a donation to support my fundraising efforts, which will benefit Spaulding Rehab Hospital. I am running the Boston Marathon for those who can't and would love for your support. Donations can be made here.
Cheers to 26, a healthy and life-changing year!
(9 Mile Training Run December 28th)
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